The McKelvey Staff Council began as the culmination of a goal defined by the McKelvey School of Engineering’s 2018 strategic plan to “promote an environment where all faculty and staff are encouraged, empowered, and incentivized to pursue excellence.” 

The McKelvey Staff Council is continuing to build on this original goal through the commitments and priorities outlined in the McKelvey School of Engineering’s 2023 strategic plan

The mission of the McKelvey Staff Council is to serve, represent, and advocate for staff by ensuring communication pathways are accessible, while broadening and strengthening the relationship between the school’s senior administration and staff, and building a healthy, equitable, and inclusive McKelvey staff community that supports a strong sense of belonging. We will continually evaluate employee-related policies with the appropriate parties to ensure they are equitable and clear while considering staff input. 

Share Your Feedback

We are seeking feedback on topics such as events, sense of community, workplace issues, things we should continue doing, things we should stop doing, or any other topic you think the staff council should be aware of. 

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